

Today i'm going to talk about Chiloe. I think it is one of my favorite places ever. My family and i go every summer to visit the family of my dad. The place reminds me of  the movie called Ponyo. I like it so much the food like curantos and milcaos and the weather, is always raining <3. We go to visit the aunt of  my dad, she lives in the countryside and she has many cows. Some cousins also live here. When we were all little, we  rode our bikes all day around the fields. I love going there it gives me a lot of peace and tranquility. We go to the beach too but generally i don't go into the water because it's so cold, but i like to be there all afternoon on the beach doing nothing. 


  1. i love your ghibli vibes, the first photo you look so beautiful<3


  2. I also saw Ponyo and you're right, she looks a lot like Chiloe.

  3. In which part of Chiloe does your Dad's Aunt live?


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